Kicking Childhood Obesity: How Taekwondo Can Help Keep Kids in Shape
Posted: January 27, 2025
Childhood obesity has become a pressing concern in recent years, with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reporting that nearly 1 in 5 children in the United States are obese. This alarming trend can lead to a range of serious health problems, including diabetes, heart disease, and even mental health issues. However, there is hope. Taekwondo, a Korean martial art, has been shown to be an effective way to help children fight childhood obesity and stay in shape.
The Benefits of Taekwondo for Kids:
Taekwondo is a high-energy workout that combines kicking, punching, and blocking techniques with aerobic exercise. This makes it an ideal activity for kids who need to get moving and burn off excess energy. Here are just a few ways that taekwondo can help kids stay in shape:
Live your Life Fearlessly! Stop Bullying.
Posted: August 23, 2024
Live your best life fearlessly. Bullying affects everyone!
More than 25 million families are currently traumatized by bullying in the USA.
Every 7 minutes, a child is bullied, resulting in over 5 million victims worldwide.
Benefits of children training in martial arts during the summer!
Posted: June 22, 2022
Benefits of children training in martial arts during the summer!
During the academic year, instructors, teaching assistants, and counselors focus on assisting your children's intellectual development and personal growth. And then, what happens during the summertime when most of these individuals are on vacation? To minimize or prevent your kid from losing a significant amount of the talents they have learned throughout the previous school season, it makes the perfect reason that you, as parents, would want your kid to retain some development & growth during the summer. &This encompasses development in these domains: intellectually, emotionally, socially, & physically.
These are some of the many best choices you can make to maintain your child's active lifestyle by enrolling them in an established martial arts school such as MARTIAL ARTS. Regardless of whether your kid is already participating in a martial arts school and you are thinking about taking him or her out of schooling during the summer, or if you are looking for some exercise to have your child participate in, you should think about the advantages of MARTIAL ARTS training during the summer prior making any decision. To make your work a little bit simpler, we have chosen four of the most beneficial features and offered a summary of each one below.
Coaching from the sidelines can be harmful
Posted: May 05, 2022
As parents, we want what’s best for our children, and we also want our children to give it their best when they participate in extra-curricular sports and activities. The problem is, we sometimes get caught up in our desire to see our children perform well and we speak up at the wrong times. With that said, I’ve put together some details about how coaching from the sidelines plays a harmful role in our child’s emotional development.
(Please note as it relates to this article, I’m focusing on a martial arts parent because that’s the environment I’m an expert at when it comes to this topic. However, this information is easily related to other sports and activities.)
For starters: your child’s brain is already occupied with so many thoughts. Take a sparring match for example:• Which technique should I throw?• What technique is my opponent going to throw? • What if I get hit? • What did my instructor just say? • What did my classmate just say?• What did my parent just say?• Was that other parent talking to me?• What are the rules about hitting the head again? • What if I miss?• What is the score? • How much time do I have left?
How to nurture creativity in your kids
Posted: February 24, 2022
A professor of educational psychology explains what and what not to do.
Parents who want their kids to be more creative may be tempted to enroll them in arts classes or splurge on STEM-themed toys. Those things certainly can help, but as a professor of educational psychology who has written extensively about creativity, I can draw on more than 70 years of creativity research to make additional suggestions that are more likely to be effective – and won’t break your budget.