3 Ways Martial Arts Will Completely Stop Bullying
Posted: August 15, 2017
Bullying------ I have three kids Cole, Olivia and Ella and I think we can all agree that this is every parent's nightmare when we send our kids off to school every Fall. During the school year, children all over the country wake up scared to go to school because of bullies. This is an epidemic that affects millions of children all over the world. Parents and teachers are there to guide the students but bullying comes in many different forms and usually can cause mental and emotional scars that can ruin your child's entire school year. Bullying is a terrible thing and adults try their best to mediate aggressive behavior between students. Sometimes, however, parents and teachers do not recognize that bullying is occurring under their watch because it comes in many different shapes and forms. Bullying is when someone is picked on repeatedly by another individual or a group of individuals physically, mentally and emotionally. One of the best ways to get rid of bullying is to enroll your child in a martial arts class. Martial Arts is for everyone, whether your child is the bully or their getting bullied. Martial Arts lessons will instill the knowledge, skill and wisdom of self defense, all while teaching them true life lessons like respect, sportsmanship, responsibility, comraderie and honor.
1. Martial Arts teaches RESPECT
One of the greatest lesson that Tae Kwon Do teaches is RESPECT, its one of the foundation blocks for learning martial arts. Respect is shown to our seniors, and down the chain all the way to our peers and juniors. Before class even begins everyone is greeted with a bow, all classes are started and finished with a bow and even our Tae Kwon Do sparring matches begin with a bow. You could say we always START and Finish with RESPECT!